Thursday, January 17, 2008

"I'm shocked! Shocked to find that gambling is going on here!"

"Here are your winnings, sir."


So, Casablanca's on and wow...I'm always overcome by that one scene.

Of course I'm talking about the scene where the Germans are singing and the others sing the French national anthem until they outdo the Germans. It's one of those rare moments in fiction that really move me.

Another 'moving' scene - and my favorite scene in any movie ever - is the end to "Wicker Park". What a rush to see such star crossed lovers reuinite - looking, searching, frantic, a mad rush of people about, dramatic Cold Play as he walks, looking around, an opening in the crowd, slowly walking, bags off, and bending close....sitting there taking it in for a moment before she's aware...and a touch , then a kiss....and holding and grasping as people walk all around. Can you tell this is my absolute favorite movie scene ever? Ben and I watch it in utter silence.

Hmmm....what others? Doris Day singing "Que Sera, Sera". Definitely.

Emma Thompson listening to Joanie Mitchell, blotting her eyes and then joining her family though she feels completely betrayed by her husband on Christmas Eve.

Hmmm...what else?

Not particularly moving, but Amelie hurriedly escorting the blind fellow through the Parisian streets, filling him in on the daily activities that he can no longer see always brings a smile.

Well, anyway, I used to hate romances as they made me cringe, but I'm ok with them now and rather enjoy them. So, in conjunction with best scenes, I'll throw out my favorite movies list (they're mostly romance) goes, in no particular order and in addition to those mentioned above:

The Graduate
Rear Window
I'm With Lucy
Lost in Translation
Garden State
Murder on the Links (haha -most people would have no clue on this one and ben always makes fun)
Pride and Prejudice

There are others but those are the first ones that come to mind. Sappy? Yes, most 'em, but they keep me entertained. :-)

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