Sunday, July 20, 2008

What the hell am I doing here? I don't belong here...

...I don't belong here.

So, this morning I went for a run...or well, let's just say I tried to go for a run. I ran a mile and didn't feel well, so I settled for intervals instead. Hello. What's going on here?

Last week, I gave blood. Giving blood is not a new thing for me bec I used to give blood every 56 days (or whatever the number of days is it takes for your blood to replenish). I stopped giving a few years ago bec they changed the way they tested for iron and the new test often said I didn't have enough. I hated going out of my way to try to give, then be denied (on any given day it was about a 50/50 shot) so I just stopped altogether - which was a sad thing bec I don't mind to give and obviously enough people who can give don't. Somehow last week, however, I convinced myself that I should probably try again and lo and behold my iron count was fine. Yay! Anyway, I work out everyday so that evening after work, I changed into my running gear and hit the treadmill. For two minutes. I became really weak and thought I was going to pass out, so I just had to stop. :-( Again, hello...what's going on here?

So, I thought I was just not feeling well due to the bloodletting, but if this morning was any indication, then something else is making me feel not well enough to run. Hm.

What's up with the sudden random non english comments for moderation? It makes me a little scared of having a blog.

So, this weekend I've been in a classical mood. I picked B up at the airport on Fri night and I was listening to classical on xm - the song playing was "Short ride in a fast machine" and I thought it fitting for B's little jaunt from Chi home. Usually I see his plane landing while I'm on the highway, but Friday's pilot was a trickster who looped around before landing. Anyway, it's always cool when it's perfectly timed and B's plane flies right over me as I'm about to reach the exit. It is not cool when the flight lands at about 2AM...on a Thursday night...when I have to go to work the next day. Hehe. But Fri, though the plane was late, worked out fine since there were no Saturday plans. I am so glad to have my hubby home. :-)

I'm dying to redecorate.

But holding off until we eventually move someday.

Have I said on here how much I LOVE Thom Filicia and "Dress My Nest"? Love him. I hate reality TV because it is so negative, but he is just so cool & positive at all times so I love the show.

Anyway, that's my randomness for the day. Enjoy the afternoon thunderstorms with a good book!

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