Saturday, September 08, 2007

I don't need the cheese or the car keys, boy I like you just the way you are!

So. Not much going on around these parts. Well, work has been incredibly busy and somewhat stressful as of late and not looking to let up until around Christmas.

Oh, yeah - I've been working with a physical trainer. Wow. In only a few short weeks, there has been a remarkable change.

This is why I'm so busy these days - I've gone from 3 workouts per week to 6.

Jess's shower is coming up! Yay!

Oh....and we're going to Chicago. And maybe another trip to the UK (a short one for me).

Um. I like silence in the house. Ben likes NPR. I'm ok with NPR when I'm driving, but I like silence in the house. We must compromise.

Ok...should probably get moving - always tons to do on Saturdays and Sundays, isn't there?

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