Thursday, October 19, 2006

Wake me up when September ends...

...oh, yeah...that's has ended.

August & September passed like a fleeting dream. Obviously we had a wonderful wedding and a wonderful honeymoon. Oh...I forgot to post pics of the honeymoon. Well, no one is missing much - we didn't take too many photos on this trip - it gets a little old taking pictures of us on the beach. Here's us with this grain of sand. Here's us with this other grain of sand. Hehe. I'll still post some eventually. Maybe tonight. If I get a little crazy.

We had girls night out/happy hour this evening. It has been quite some time. We stayed way longer than any of us thought we would and it was an excellent time. love my girls.

Oh...we were bad...we did have one man around this time. :-) Little Evan came for just a few mins. It was so good to see him...he is so cute!

So, what else is going on? Well, not much. We have some b'days next week. Ben's is approaching and I had been so wrapped up in the wedding details that I was totally unprepared for it once the wedding was over. Usually I know exactly what I'm going to get for him and have purchased it or ordered it or whatever. I'm at a loss. Hopefully, I'll get it figured out this weekend.

The Office was just classic this evening - although I think the convention one was the best one ever.

Umm...what else? Oh, yeah - totally unprepared for Halloween this year, too. I usually have the bags for the kids filled and waiting in the cutesy bowl by the first week of October and this year I haven't even bought the candy, bags, pencils, etc yet. We did buy pumpkins last weekend and I think we'll carve them this weekend. Maybe we'll be dorky and cook the seeds. :-) We tried to be dorky and go to a pumpkin patch again, but they've all closed in this area.

It has been a monsoon in Tennessee lately. Most definitely one right now.

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