Sunday, November 19, 2006

I bought a china cabinet yesterday. Thank goodness I found one - it was getting a bit old storing our china in the boxes on the dining room table. I've been needing more storage for all of my serving pieces for years, but could never convince myself to buy one until I was married and had china.

My dining room table doesn't match, but I need to buy a new one anyway. I do love this one but I was unable to get one with a leaf in it at the time, so we will quickly outgrow this one in the coming years. (That doesn't mean I want children - instead, I mean that I want family to visit us on the holidays for a proper meal at some point.) The china cabinet is dark walnut (goes much better with all of my dark walnut everything else than the current light cherry one), so now I have to decide if I want to get the matching table or if I want to just get another walnut table & chairs. They didn't have the matching table at the store we went to, so I had to look at it online today. It's ok. I think there are some at Crate and Barrel that I like better.

I feel sort of shallow for blogging about this. There are so many more in depth thoughts constantly racing through my mind, but it's hard to allow others into my most private thoughts. So much is controversial, too. I've never been one to back down from my beliefs, but at the same time this was intended to be a light-hearted blog about a wedding...not a dissertation on how I would run the world if allowed.

In reference to the sentence above, I have actually had some motherly feelings arise in me in the last couple of weeks. But, I'm still far too selfish for children. I'm even selfish in my motherly feelings - they are arising because of a need for a subject for me to photograph. I am wanting to get a nice digital SLR, but Ben keeps discouraging it because he doesn't think I will use it. Hence the motherly feelings. If you have children, you always have a subject to photograph...and unfortunately, the cat does not make a good replacement.

*But* you also have to go through that whole pregnancy thing which seems downright miserable - and oh, yeah, the ruin of your stomach, thighs, breasts...well, you get the deal with. And no sleep or time for yourself, constant crying, screaming, dirtiness, expense, zero freedom, etc, etc.

Yes, I am very selfish. Maybe someday I will change. It's going to take a lot more than the desire to take photographs, though.

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