Wednesday, July 19, 2006

So, we're gettin' hitched...

We bought our wedding rings last night.

Umm...what else. Oh, yeah - Mom's shower - I'm thinking we may have to move that date back. It's only 3.5 weeks away and no invites have been sent. I think Karen is going to help, and I'm so grateful!

Must add towels and silverware to Dillards registry. Ben is supposed to pick out the silverware (it was his only request), so I must get him back into the mall.

My list of things to do is getting longer and longer. Every time I mark one thing off, I add 3 more. Buying the car did not help my to do list. It did help my comfort when driving around trying to mark off things on the to do list, though. :-)

Tomorrow I have appts with a table linen guy and a florist - spoke with the table linen guy yesterday and he sounds fun.

I have a gazillion little details floating around in my head right now, and I love it. I revel in details (opposed to Ben's "big picture" perspective).

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