Sunday, April 02, 2006

So, Mom came in yesterday and after her hair appt we went shopping. I spent wayyyyyy too much money and am thinking about ordering some shoes today...I'm stupid. Wonder if they can get here before Sat? Paul's wedding is Sat. and I've been thinking about going so that I can see first hand how the people handle the wedding (he's getting married at the same location we are)....I'm iffy bec Ben wil be out of town again and Jess can't go with I'll have to be the single weird girl at the wedding. Anyway, I guess I need to wear a dress and one of the ones I purchased yesterday would be nice...but I need those shoes! Too bad we don't have a Rich's Macy's here.

So, I bought 4 dresses, 1 shirt, a necklace and a pair of earrings yesterday. I'm still iffy on fashion right now, though. What I bought is definitely the best of the best right now (at least at anywhere I can afford to shop) but the best of the best is still pretty terrible. I still don't know why white and black are so popular! As a blonde, I don't really care to wear black and white very much...they just don't look that great on me.

I guess I'm getting serious about car shopping again. I've deserved a new car for a really long time and have put buying one off bec I don't believe in financing. Last year, I paid off my student loans so that I could buy a car this year (March was the month I planned to buy) and then we got engaged...and now I have to pay for the wedding (thanks Mom and Dad for not offering even one penny to help.)'s so hard to make this decision. Now that I'm going to make more money, it seems silly to not buy a car...don't I deserve this little piece of luxury? Gosh, I'm not even asking for luxury...I'm just asking for a Honda Accord! But the idea of making payments - paying interest - seems insane to me. When I was in the process of paying off my student loans, I was quite obsessive about the interest accrued - so much so that I would check every few days to see how many cents had been added onto what I owed. The day I paid it off was such a celebration! Knowing that, how can I justify going into debt again? I cannot and herein lies my dilemma. I drive a 1999 vehicle. It seems to be in pretty great shape. Why not keep driving it until after the wedding and then inflate savings once again and then save for a car once again? I guess that's what I'll do.

Sometimes I hate being so responsible! Eeerrrrgggghhhh! Instead of dropping my contributions to retirement, what am I doing? I'm increasing them again! Maybe I'll finally be able to afford that Honda Accord...hehehe... when I'm 65 and I've retired.

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